Thursday, September 3, 2009


Welcome dear Blogger. On a rainy morning near Copenhagen I just had a good cup of coffe. It's one of those days where it's not really appealing to move outside, although I have to in a few hours. We are all moving around about doing our work and earning our living - but how many of us are doing it because we enjoy it? That means 8 hours of work every day, just to make the wheels go around. That's an awful lot of time in my eyes. 
Fortunately I'm a student and working freelance so I'm not bound to a day job - but I don't count on that situation as permanent, so I am making preparations so that I will have leasure in the future to live life as I choose. Getting time and freedom (economically and spiritually) will be a reaquring topic on this blog. I'd be happy that my fellow bloggers share your thoughts and ideas. 
Note: don't hope I'm giving the impression that I'm a lazy bastard. On the contrary, I want to work hard, but with what I choose and with what inspires me.

Nothing worthwhile comes without effort.

I'm off to the shower and then a 2 hour train ride to Odense for a meeting.
see you soon

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